So...I knew I didn't want to name my "business" after myself because I almost always go against the grain and that seems to be the most popular choice in the large sea of photographers. The sky was the limit and I needed to cone that down a little bit.
Maybe you've heard about the Bible scripture that tells of how Peter and the disciples were fishing on the Sea of Galilee and had caught nothing all night long.
(It's ok if you haven't or if you couldn't care less about a Bible story at this point).
Back to the story, I'm sure the fishermen were exhausted and dismayed after an all nighter. There was a man on the shore (who they later identified as Jesus) questioning them about their catch and he told them to once again drop the nets on the right side of the boat. In obedience, possibly with a few eye rolls and sighs, they dropped the nets one more time. If they are anything like me, they just knew it was once again going to come up empty. But, scripture says there were so many fish the disciples were not able to haul in the net! MIRACLE!
Boy, do I love when a situation turns around on a dime!
I've heard this story my whole life, but did not remember that the Bible even gives us the exact number of fish that were in the net. John 21:11 says, "So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn." THE NET WAS NOT TORN.
What does this Bible story have with PHOTOGRAPHY you might ask?
Well, it's in the details. 153 was a DETAIL that I had not remembered after hearing as well as reading this story for 41 years. I love details...a wrinkle in a hand, laughter in a moment, the way a moment felt, the color in the sky...I could go on and on. We forget the details over time, but a SIMPLE PHOTO can help us REMEMBER the details we have forgotten!
Ordinary moments are some of the hardest to remember and this story is about ordinary fishermen doing their ordinary task. A Miracle happened in this story and ordinary moments are also MIRACLES in themselves. Life is made up of many ordinary moments! When we can look at a picture and remember moments gone by, I believe that is also a Miracle.
Ok, ok...maybe you aren't a Bible reader. Have you ever heard "143" substituted for "I love you." Well, some suggest "153" could then stand for "I Adore You!"
We take pictures of things we ADORE! Could be family, pets, homes...
You get the picture now.
153 Photography is detailed photography of the ordinary things YOU Adore!